Learning Zone

We want you to know all about our products, the materials we use to make them and how ensure safe play. Here in the Learning Zone we have a number of articles to help provide you with the knowledge to make the best choices when buying a TP product and using them.

Climbing frames and swing sets that grow with your child

The Explorer Climbing frame and Acorn Swing Frame are both growable outdoor items. You receive everything you need in the box - just remember to store the extension legs somewhere safe!

Growable / extendable frames are a great way of saving on cost!

Children as young as 18 months can start exploring on the Explorer, providing Mum or Dad is by their side and the climbing frame is built at low height. Just keep the extension legs and rungs that are supplied with the climbing frame in a safe place, and when your child is ready, you can grow your climbing frame to full height at no extra cost. So, rest assured, your initial investment in a climbing frame will give you exceptional value for money and your child up to 12 years of fun.

The Acorn Growable Swing Frame is suitable for ages 6 months - 3 years when the product is assembled at low height and a baby seat is used. The swing can then be extended to full height for ages 3 - 12 years.

ADD on ... a TP Quadpod Baby Swing seat. Perfect for use with the Acorn Swing Frame. The adjustable ropes enable the product to work both at low and full height, plus the Quadpod is can be adapted as your child grows! 4 easy modes, endless fun!!

TP climbing frames are wholly modular

Modularity is the key concept which underlines our climbing frame design. Just choose the combination of climbing frame and accessories that are right for your family's needs. Those needs will change as your children grow so with TP, you will be able to stretch your children’s physical development. Why not add a Monkey Bridge or Jungle Run to a climbing frame for an exciting challenge.


Steel Climbing Frames, Swing Sets and Trampolines: Know about Galvanised Steel

Galvanised steel is an ideal choice for the manufacture of outdoor toys and play equipment. It is a man made, extremely robust and stable material which delivers significantly more strength per cubic cm than other materials including wood. So you need a far slimmer tube of steel compared to a pole of wood to deliver similar performance. Unlike wood, galvanised steel does not change with atmospheric conditions - for example contact with water does not make it expand and contract. However, steel that is not galvanised is likely to rust, perforate and eventually fail when left outside year after year.

It is for this reason that TP chooses galvanised steel for Explorer Climbing frames, the Metal swing range Only after the steel has been formed into a perfect tube is it then coated with zinc (galvanised). In fact it is triple coated with hot zinc, a conversion coating and finally a lacquer coating to give the toughest, most weather resistant protection possible

Wooden Climbing Frames and Swing Sets:

Timber is a very a popular choice for active outdoor toys. For reasons of affordability and the environment, softwood rather than hardwood is used by all wood playset manufacturers. Each piece of timber is unique, bearing its own knots, cracks and variations in colour.

A little information about our FSC® Certified Pressure Treated Pine Wood Swings, Climbing Frames and Sandpits.

TP chooses FSC certified Pine or Spruce from the Baltic States. Playsets made from Chinese Fir, native to China, are also readily available in the UK. You will immediately tell the difference between the two woods. TP Pine is characterized by its light, golden colour and is very distinct from the Chinese fir, which tends to be stained a reddish-brown. If you held a similarly sized piece of TP Scandinavian Pine in one hand and Chinese Fir in the other hand, you would note immediately the TP Pine felt much heavier. The TP wood is denser; its growth rings are closely packed together compared to the Chinese alternative. Guarantees on TP wood products vary by range; please check individual products for detailed information. Chinese Fir is not pressure treated, a surface stain is generally applied that will require renewal. We recommend you carefully check the maintenance and warranty requirements for any wood play frame before you buy. Over time, without staining, TP wood will mature to a silvery grey colour that blends well into your garden and will provide years of fun for your children.

Types of wood we use.Round Wood:

Round timbers tend to come from younger smaller trees and are complete tree poles, stripped of any bark and other rough materials but subject to no further processing apart from the application of a suitable environmentally friendly preservative. Our round wood frames are rustic in appearance, the heartwood that they are made from naturally has cracks and splits. These cracks will change over time due to atmospheric conditions. When wet, the wood will take in water, swell and the cracks will close-up (not disappear) and when dry the wood contracts and the cracks will open-up.

Whilst this can sometimes seem alarming, the round timber frames are designed and dimensioned to ensure these natural characteristics do not have an impact upon the structural integrity of the frame. All our wooden play frames are rigorously tested by an independent test house and fully comply with the relevant toy safety regulations. Because of the natural characteristics of such wood products, it is vital that parents check their play frame regularly to identify any splintering or lifting of the surface layers of the wood or any exposure of rough wood due to changes in cracks and splits. Affected areas must be rubbed down using coarse sandpaper to restore a smooth, safe surface.

Very occasionally these characteristics can develop to a point where replacing the pole may be required. Most commonly, this is confined to where a significant crack runs directly through a fixing point. Concerns regarding splits and cracks should be directed to customerservice@tptoys.com . Your email should ideally be accompanied by photographs that illustrate your concern to enable the Quality Control Team to assist you.

Square Wood:

Unlike round wood, squared wood tends to be derived from large, far more mature trees. It is removed from the much larger mature tree poles and includes very little, if any, heartwood in its profile. Squared wood then undergoes a significant manufacturing process. The wood is planed and smoothed to be made ready for the cutting and drilling of each of the dimensioned parts required to make a square wood playframe.

Therefore, although cracks and splits will be present and can appear over time due to changes in local atmospheric conditions, the incidence of these splits and cracks will be far fewer than with round wood so maintenance will be less. However, a diligent maintenance regime is strongly recommended and full instructions are given with every frame. So cracks and splits are not considered as ‘faults’ in our wood frames. They are unavoidable natural characteristics that are taken into account when we design our products.

What is the difference between Round Wood and Square Wood?

TP offer two types of wood play frame: the rustic round wood frames and the more refined square wood frames. Round and square wood frames are visually very different and this reflects the age and part of the tree the wood for each frame is derived from.

Obviously, these significant differences between round and squared wood, in terms of the type of wood and the manufacturing processes they undergo, is reflected in the price of the frame. Round wood frames are cheaper than squared wood frames.

Without doubt, round wood frames offer great play value but are likely to require more maintenance than squared wood frames to ensure safe play. Adherence to maintenance schedules is the responsibility of the purchaser of the frame as is ensuring the frame is sited appropriately and used in line with age and weight instructions.

If you would prefer a lower maintenance product, we may wish to consider a galvanised steel frame where consistency of material can be guaranteed. Maintenance will still be required but not to the extent that is required with a round wood frame.

TP Prefabricated Panel Playhouses

TP playhouses are a great addition to your garden. Perfect for imaginative play and can be assembled quickly. These houses come in a variety of designs. Some are pre-coloured and treated, others are un-treated giving you and your children the opportunity to be creative and pick the colours you like or take your children shopping and let them pick the colours they like best. Watch their faces light up as the playhouse is transformed! Full instructions regarding treatment are provided with every playhouse.

Active Outdoor Play and Your Child

Active children are healthy children

Newspapers are filled daily with reports of the dangers of childhood obesity and its detrimental effect on children’s health. The propensity of children to engage in sedentary activities such as watching television or playing computer games is a trend parents should try to balance by encouraging them towards active play as well, especially outdoors. Outdoor play burns more calories than other forms of play (1). Parents should get involved too. An average adult playing actively with a child will burn nearly 4 times more calories in an hour than they would watching television!

The right outdoor toys makes child development fun!

The arguments in favour of outdoor physical play do not stop there. Children will just call it fun, but child psychologists will applaud their successful negotiation of a well designed climbing frame because, in that achievement, children are developing important physical skills like balance, co-ordination, strength and agility. Their cognitive and intellectual development is being encouraged by the need to solve problems, concentrate, explore, imagine and discover just how they reach their secret den and hide from the ‘grown ups’. When they enjoy all these experiences with others, social skills of communicating, taking turns and sharing come to the fore.

Managing risk…building confidence based on experience

Safety is obviously a top priority, but well managed outdoor play, using the right outdoor toys, under correct supervision, does encourage children to assess and manage risk for themselves (2), a very important skill for the rest of their lives. When children independently conquer a difficult ascent onto a climbing frame, summon up the nerve to slide down that ‘scary’ high slide, or enjoy the height and speed of a swing, they will rejoice in their own personal achievement. Their success will lead them to challenge themselves again and again, achieving more and more, growing in confidence and self esteem. At the same time they will learn about the consequences of undertaking more challenging tasks on their outdoor toys, in the safety of their own back garden.

How parents can help…

‘If you provide quality outdoor play, children will become confident, independent and learn a great deal’ (3) A parent’s role in outdoor play is an important one. When selecting outdoor toys that are right for your children, the key is to seek variety in the activities the outdoor toys structure offer. In so doing you will encourage a number of different developmental skills. Aim to combine variety in the outdoor toys with an evolving level in its complexity. Children progress by achieving objectives in a stepwise fashion, so being able to extend the challenge their outdoor toys offer, as children’s abilities increase, is important. Having chosen the right outdoor toys, your fun can begin too. Enjoy your children’s achievements as you watch them having fun. But don’t forget to play too! Parents directly affect the behaviour of their young children when they engage children in play. When playing with parents, infants and toddlers behaviour is more complex, more conventional, of longer duration and more symbolic than when playing with peers, siblings or alone….(4) Especially for younger children, playing with parents is an invaluable experience. Your input early on can ensure they get the best from their outdoor play for the rest of their childhood


1. Anthony D. Pellegrini, M. Horvat & P. Huberty 1998 The Costs of Physical Play in Children: Animal Behaviour 55 2. Alison Stephenson, 2003, Physical Risk Taking: Dangerous and Endangered Early Years, Vol 23 3. Helen Bilton, 2004, Playing Outside, London, Fulton

4. Thomas G. Power, 2000, Play and the Exploration of Children and Animals

Top 10 construction tips for steel climbing frames, swing sets and trampolines

Sometimes the thought of building anything from scratch is quite a daunting task. We have tried to compile a list of top tips that will help. Before you build your metal climbing frame, swing set or trampoline, make sure you have to hand: A tape measure A pen and some scraps of paper A set of good quality tools Before you build your outdoor toy 1. Always try to find a flat level piece of ground on which to build your outdoor toys 2. Open the MAIN product box first and take out the instructions 3. Read through the instructions thoroughly taking special note of which stage you need to add in platforms and toddler kits etc 4. Remove the tape and wipe the steel before you start (they are sometimes a little greasy). 5. Lay out all the steel tubes in length order. A tape measure here is vital as some of the poles look very similar and only vary by a few mm. If necessary mark them for easy identification. 6. Take special note of how many holes there are on each tube and where they are located. This helps with identification. 7. Sort all bolts into lengths and put into bowls, or at least into piles on a piece of card or a tray (not onto the grass where they will get lost). Please note bolt lengths are VERY important and like the tubes they only vary by a couple of mm. 8. Don’t tighten ANY nuts until you have completed the build. 9. Don’t overtighten the nuts (you will distort the tube) 10. However always make sure the bolt reaches the blue nylon locking collar in the nut. This is clearly shown in all instructions.

All this preparation may all seem to take a long time, when all you want to do is press on and get your trampoline, swing or climbing frame built. But believe us, IT IS WORTH IT and will save you time in the long run! 

Instructions for the Assembly, Maintenance and Use of TP Outdoor Toys

These instructions apply to the entire range of TP Toys: Steel Climbing Frames and Swing Sets and Trampolines. They also apply to Wooden Climbing Frames and Wooden Swing sets, Slides, Garden Toys, Play Pools and Sandpits

1. Assembly

TP toys must be assembled by an adult. They must be erected exactly in accordance with the assembly instructions which are provided with all our outdoor toys.

2. Siting

Under no circumstances should any of our outdoor toys be positioned on a hard surface, unless the ground under the toy plus the recommended free space area is covered with a safety surface. Outdoor toys should ideally be sited with grass, sand or a recommended play surface covering the free space area. A fall onto a hard surface can result in serious injury. TP Toys should be sited on level ground away from the house, overhanging branches, laundry lines, electrical wires or any other similar obstruction. Installing your outdoor toys on sloping ground can cause it to lean or ‘rack.’ This puts additional stress on all the connections and joints and in time will cause them to fail. This is not covered by any guarantee.

3. Usage

TP Toys are designed and made to be used by children aged between 12 months and 12 years, unless otherwise stated, and must not be used by anybody else. TP Toys are designed for family outdoor domestic use only.

4. Supervision

Children should always be supervised while they are playing on TP Toys and should be instructed not to use outdoor toys in an inappropriate or hazardous manner. Make sure they do not wear loose-fitting clothing or jewellery that can catch or snag. Children should not wear cycle helmets while playing on TP Toys.

5. Playing in wet conditions

Many surfaces can become slippery in wet or icy conditions. Lips, tongues and wet skin can stick to metalwork in very cold weather. Therefore, in these conditions children must not be allowed to use their outdoor toys. Extra caution and supervision is required when combining water (eg. aqua slides, etc.) with outdoor play.

6. Maintenance

With all outdoor toys it is vital that the equipment is checked regularly and often by an adult. The complete toy should be checked at least once a month, and particular attention should be paid to the suspension system, ropes, and all fittings, bolts, nuts, and shackles, etc. If any parts exhibit signs of wear and tear, they may need to be replaced. Failure to do this may result in the product malfunctioning and causing injury. If a sharp edge or protruding bolt is found, saw and file it down until flush and smooth. Children must not be allowed to use outdoor toys until properly installed and checked.

Galvanised tubular - outdoor toys

This range of TP Toys is made from either zinc-coated or hot-dipped galvanised tubing and includes steel climbing frames, swingsets and trampolines. If surface rust appears it should be removed with either a wire brush or coarse sandpaper, and the area treated with a cold galvanising paint such as Galvafroid or Polygalv. These are two well-known names, although other makes of paint are available from most hardware or DIY stores.

Wooden - outdoor toys

As a natural material, wood is subject to changes due to atmospheric conditions. Wood will expand and contract as temperatures and humidity changes and therefore may splinter and split. This will not affect the structural integrity of your TP outdoor toys. However as a result of this characteristic, you should be prepared to check your wooden climbing frame or wooden swing regularly so as to identify any splintering or lifting of the surface layers of the wood. Any affected areas can be rubbed down using coarse sandpaper to restore a smooth, safe surface. surface mould can also appear regaless of treatment used, this should be cleaned and re-treated accordingly.

7. Swing Set Frames

These must always be used with the stakes provided. Stakes must be concreted in. Please note you must never set the legs of a swing frame in concrete.

8. Swinging Toys (Swing Seats, Trapeze Bars & Rings, etc.)

TP swing sets and some climbing frames employ nylon bush bearings. Swing accessories should be fitted to these in accordance with the original product instructions. When fitting swinging toys it is vital that moving parts have no metal to metal contact. Children should be instructed not to pass in front of or behind moving items, not to twist or swing an empty swing seat, and not to get off a swinging toy when it is in motion.

9. Ropes (Swings, etc.)

These ropes will degrade over time. This can be recognised by the rope becoming pale in colour and giving off a fine powder when rubbed. When either of these signs appears, the outdoor toy should be withdrawn from use. Products where the rope is joined with crimp will need to be completely replaced.

10. Slides

TP slides are manufactured with a UV stabiliser that prolongs their life. Always check that the slide is not hot from the sun before allowing children to play. If the slide is hot, pour cold water down the slide until it feels cool to touch. Check the slide several times during extended play.

11. Trampolines and Trampoline Accessories

Trampolines are great fun for all the family. However it is very important they are used within their safety guidelines. These safety guidelines are included with every TP trampoline.

12. Fire Risks and Disposals

Never allow TP Toys to be placed or used near a fire. When it becomes necessary to dispose of your equipment, remove all bolts and disassemble. Store out of the reach of children until it can be properly disposed of.

These instructions are issued in the interest of child safety, and we do ask you to follow our advice.

To view the compatibility of your product and its accessories, please download our compatibility chart

Cheap Trampolines could cost your child's safety

TP Toys is urging parents to steer clear of cheap trampolines and invest in high-quality products to ensure their children’s welfare.As a manufacturer of trampolines, TP Toys is concerned that the effects of the credit crunch might mean parents are tempted to buy an inexpensive trampoline to keep kids entertained throughout the summer holidays. However, this may be a false economy as these cheaper products may not carry the same product guarantees or safety features as those that are manufactured by well-known established brands. Pat Preston from TP Toys, explained: “You cannot put a price on your child’s safety, so when buying a trampoline it is crucial that parents purchase a product that meets the highest safety standards possible. Products from reputable brands are manufactured to high safety standards, have longer guarantees and come with the reassurance of knowing exactly where that trampoline came from and who is responsible should anything go wrong. It is vital that parents do their research before choosing a trampoline and always follow manufacturer’s guidelines on assembly and use carefully so that children continue to have fun safely.”Following recent news of trampoline safety as highlighted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), TP Toys has also highlighted the necessary safety precautions that parents should take when their child uses a trampoline.Dr Andrew Newton, Consultant in Emergency Medicine (of the Weston General Hospital), commented on his own experience of tending to patients who have been in trampoline-related accidents: “Injuries that occur in childhood as a result of using trampolines are often preventable. The majority of the time the incident leading to the injury could have been completely avoided if basic rules regarding trampoline safety had been observed.”“As many accidents occur in young children between the age of 6 and 9 years old, the onus is really on parents to set the ground rules as to how trampolines should be used in safety.”TP Toys top five tips when buying and using a trampoline, include:1. InstallationEnsure when setting up a trampoline for the first time that you follow assembly instructions carefully and that the trampoline is located sensibly in your garden, on a soft impact surface like grass and with plenty of free play space around it .2. Safety surroundsChoosing a trampoline enclosure is a good idea. It provides a much safer environment for a child to play in and keeps them from falling and injuring themselves. we advocate that all trampolines should never be used without a safety surround no matter the age of the user.3. Parent supervisionIt is vital that parents supervise their children on trampolines at all times, making them aware of dangers of using a trampoline improperly and encouraging them to play safely.4. Single person useAccidents often happen when more than one person uses a trampoline at a time, especially where jumpers are of different weights and sizes. TP Toys strongly recommends one jumper at a time.5. Regular maintenanceFollow the maintenance instructions supplied with your trampoline carefully. Buy a good quality trampoline to guarantee years of fun.

What to consider when looking at Trampolines for your family

Big trampolines have become very popular in recent years. As a leading manufacturer, the TP customer advice line receives hundreds of calls each year seeking advice about trampoline purchases. The most common questions and answers we deal with are listed below to help you decide what’s best for your family.

Trampolines all look the same in a photograph but there is often a big price difference. What should I be looking for to be sure I’m getting good value for money?

It is ideal to visit a specialist outlet where you will actually be able to touch, see and feel the trampoline, as this will very quickly show you differences in quality that will be reflected in the price. If it isn’t possible to see the trampoline, do ask the retailer about its specification:

Trampoline Frame

Is it made from heavy duty galvanised steel, therefore suitable for all year round use? As a guide to the likely strength of the steel, ask the weight of the trampoline in its box. Generally the heavier, the better

Trampoline Pads

These are important as they protect the jumper from impact with the frame or springs. They are also the most vulnerable part of a trampoline in terms of resisting wind, rain, sun and frost. Are they guaranteed not to absorb water? Soggy pads are less effective, rot quickly and drench you when leant on! Also ensure that they are substantial both in depth and width. They should cover the springs, be securely attached to the frame, and not tear off in the wind.

Trampoline Springs

The better the spring, the better the bounce. Ask how many, how long and how strong? The low cost springs used in cheaper trampolines lose their memory especially if used by adults. A trampoline that will not spring back to its original shape is soon a disappointment and of little value.

Trampoline Mat

Check that the surface of the mat is non-abrasive to ensure it doesn’t hurt your child’s skin. Ask how the springs attach to the mat. A D ring system of attachment, rather than hooking the spring directly into the material, will greatly extend the life of the mat.

Lots of places now sell trampolines. Does it matter who I buy my trampoline from?

It is important to buy the right trampoline both for you now and as your family grows. Therefore the advice of a specialist (someone who has been selling outdoor toys for a long time) can be invaluable. You will expect your trampoline to give your family years of fun. So, perhaps more importantly, it is wise to buy one made by a reputable manufacturer who will be there to provide after sales support both now and in the future. Your trampoline will have a warranty of some kind. Does it cover “normal wear and tear”? Some don’t. A guarantee is only of value if the supplier of that warranty is still around to honour it. You might be re-assured that TP have been trading uninterrupted for over 50 years.

My child is nearly three. Shall I buy a big trampoline that they will grow into?

They certainly will grow into the trampoline! Big trampolines are, however, only recommended for children aged 6 years and over because of the height off the ground and the very significant, uncontrollable forces involved in trampolining. However, it is a shame to waste the opportunity for your child to reap the benefits of outdoor play now. Instead we suggest that you choose equipment geared more to their current physical needs and capabilities. Climbing, swinging, and sliding are all activities which younger children love and are appropriate to their developmental needs. Equipment based around these activities would be a more appropriate choice.

You see a lot about weight limits on trampolines. How important are these?

Weight limits are important because they indicate the strength and durability of the trampoline. Responsible manufacturers will always err on the side of caution with weight recommendations. For example, an athletic 60kg teenager will pose a greater challenge to the robustness of a trampoline than a sedate 80kg adult. Quite simply, the greater the height achieved by the bouncer, the greater the loading on the springs. It is worth investing in a trampoline with a weight limit well in excess of your current needs. As families grow, users will get heavier not lighter.

Can weight limits apply to the combined weight of two people jumping on the trampoline?

As for whether the weight limit can refer to more than one user, clearly it could, but we very strongly advise against multiple person use as this is the most common cause of accidents on trampolines. It can result in collisions or falls due to the bounce of one trampolinist destabilising another, especially where there is a significant weight difference between the jumpers. Evidence from published international studies indicates multiple person use of any large trampoline, whatever the shape, size or make, is potentially dangerousAs a responsible manufacturer we think it is important to highlight important safety issues you should take into account when considering the purchase of a large trampoline. Trampolining without due regard to them can result in serious accidents.

Trampoline Safety Guidelines

Every TP large trampoline is supplied with these safety guidelines. Please follow them. Supervise your children at all times when they are using the trampoline. Do not attempt somersaults or advanced moves without qualified supervision. Landing on the head or neck can cause very serious injuries.

Only allow one person at a time on your trampoline. Children will want to bounce together. The quality construction of TP Trampoline Frames, Springs, Mats and Pads result in weight recommendations that make that easily possible. Other less responsible manufacturers will often recommend multi-person bouncing as a marketing ploy. However evidence from published international studies indicates multiple person use of any large trampoline, whatever its size, shape or make, is potentially dangerous. It can result in collisions or falls due to the bounce of one trampolinist de-stabilising another, especially where there is a significant weight difference between the jumpers.

Fun things you never knew about the trampoline......

The first gold medal awarded in Olympic trampoline competition, went to Irina Karavaeva, of Russia. The event, which took place at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia, was witnessed by George Nissen, the 86 year-old inventor of the trampoline. El trampolino" was the Mexican word for "diving board", and one of the many words in common usage, which was once actually trademarked as "trampoline". The Gillingham Jumpers, a club based in Kent is the largest known trampoline club in the world, with 1500 members bouncing around the Jumpers Rebound Centre, every week. The furthest forward flip trampoline slam dunk measured 5.2 m (17ft 1 in) and was achieved by Willy Martinon (France) a member of the Crazy Dunkers acrobatic troupe at the Arena Riga in Riga, Latvia, on 1 April 2007. Trampolines have entered the arena of extreme sports, with some centres offering a combination of bungee jumping and trampoline jumping, where participants wear a harness attached to bungee cord rigging, that allows them to bounce extra high off the trampoline, without the danger of falling if they lose their balance. Judy Wills Cline became the first World Champion on the trampoline, in 1964. Cline held a total of ten world titles in trampoline, synchronized trampoline, and tumbling. The first men's World Champion, also crowned in 1964, was Dan Millman, who is a noted personal growth author and speaker. In 1986 a six-man team from the Delta Epsilon fraternity at Cleveland State University set a Guinness World Record for 53 days of continuous bouncing on a trampoline.

Trampoline Safety: Important Safety Guidelines

As a responsible manufacturer we think it is important to highlight important safety issues you should take into account when considering the purchase of a large trampoline. Using your trampoline without due regard to them can result in serious accidents. Every large TP trampoline is supplied with safety guidelines, please scroll down the page to view our video on how to jump safely .

Trampoline safety checklist

1. Check your trampoline before every use. Check that the mat and frame are not damaged and the pads are securely in place. 2. Supervise your children at all times when they are using the trampoline. Make sure they understand the risks of not using it properly. 3. Only children aged 6 years and over should use a large trampoline. Don’t use a ladder as it can allow easy access to the trampoline by younger children. 4. Ensure children remove jewellery and clothing that may catch. 5. Children should bounce in the middle of the trampoline and should never jump off the trampoline. Instead they should stop bouncing and then climb down. 6. Only allow one person at a time on your trampoline. Children will want to bounce together. The quality construction of TP Trampoline frames, springs, mats and pads result in weight recommendations that make that easily possible. However evidence from published international studies show that multiple person use of any large trampoline, whatever its size, shape or make, is potentially dangerous and the major cause of accidents on trampolines. It can result in collisions or falls due to the bounce of one person de-stabilising another, especially where there is a significant weight difference between the jumpers. 7. Do not attempt somersaults or advanced moves without qualified supervision. Landing on the head or neck can cause very serious injuries. 8. Ensure children stand back from the trampoline when someone else is jumping. Also never allow anyone underneath the trampoline whilst it is in use. 9. Always fasten the entrance to the surround when your child is on the trampoline.

10.Choose an area for your trampoline free from hazards - a 2 metre clear play zone all around. Place the trampoline on soft energy absorbing ground.

Additional Trampoline Safety Information

For further safety information, please visit www.rospa.com the website of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

Origin of the Trampoline

The modern trampoline has been one of the most popular children’s toys for some years, coming a long way since its early development in the 19th century. The early origins of the trampoline are open to some debate although it is said that the Inuit people developed an early form of the apparatus, using a walrus skin to toss each other into the air. There is also evidence of some people in Europe being thrown into the air by a number of people holding a blanket such as Sancho Panza in the novel Don Quixote, although instances of “blanketing” such as this are clearly non-voluntary instances of quasi-judicial, mob administered punishment. It is certain, however, that in the early years of the 20th century some acrobats used a “bouncing bed” on the stage to entertain the audience. The bouncing in bed was actually a form of small trampoline covered in bedclothes and used mostly during comedy routines. Circus folklore suggests that the trampoline was first developed by an artiste called Du Trampolin who saw the possibility of using the trapeze safety net as a form of propulsion and landing device, and experimented with different systems of suspension, eventually reducing the net to a practical size for separate performance. While such trampoline like devices were certainly used in the circus, the story of Du Trampolin is now widely regarded as a myth due to the lack of documented evidence to support it. The first modern trampoline was built by George Nissen and Larry Griswold around 1934. Both men were at the University of Iowa in the US; Nissen was a gymnastics and diving competitor while Griswold was a tumbler on the gymnastics team. They began experimenting with a piece of canvas after observing trapeze artists using a tight net to add entertainment value to their performance. They stretched the canvas, in which they had inserted grommets along each side, to an angled iron frame by means of coiled springs. It was initially used to train tumblers but soon became popular in its own right. George Nissen overheard the Spanish word “trampolin”, meaning diving board, during a diving demonstration tour in Mexico in the 1930s and decided to use an anglicised form as the trademark for his and Larry Griswold’s new apparatus. In 1942 Griswold and Nissen created the Griswold-Nissen Trampoline and Tumbling Company and began making trampolines commercially in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. During World War II, the United States Navy Flight School developed the use of the trampoline in its training of pilots and navigators, giving them concentrated practice in spatial orientation that had not been possible before. After the war the development of the space flight programme again brought the trampoline into use to help train both American and Soviet astronauts, giving them experience of variable body positions in flight.

Since then, the trampoline has been developed further, with the competitive gymnastic sport of trampolining being part of the Olympics since 2000. A number of other sports utilise the trampoline as a training tool too, including diving, gymnastics and freestyle skiing. Perhaps most significantly however, is the development of the trampoline as a children’s toy, with many gardens across the country containing one of Nissen and Griswold’s apparatus.

Wooden Climbing Frames and Steel Climbing Frames from TP Toys

When you see how much enjoyment your children get out of their new TP Toys climbing frame, you’ll be wishing you could turn back the years to join them! So why don’t you?

A climbing frame is a castle where wars are fought and won.A climbing frame is a forest tree where animals roam from branch to branch.A climbing frame is a secret shelter to hide away from evil wizards.

In other words, a climbing frame is whatever your children want it to be! The only limit is imagination.

And that’s not all. Want your children to be active, healthy and safe in your own garden? A climbing frame can make that possible. And the great thing is, a climbing frame is made for sharing – it’s a fantastic reason for little friends to come over and share adventures with your loved ones.

The climbing frames at TP Toys are safe, tough and long lasting, and your children will have many years of fun when you choose to buy from us. We have a selection of frames, one of which is adjustable so that it can grow with your children, and various configurations which allow you to add new features as you go along. Want to add a swing to your climbing frame? No problem. Slide, Skyride, Climbing Bridge? No problem

And in case you were wondering about our green credentials, fear not: our wooden climbing frames are made exclusively from softwoods (not hardwoods) and are certified by the Stewardship Council (FSC). By happy coincidence, that also makes them much more affordable!

Which one do you go for? Wooden climbing frames made with round or square-cut timbers? What materials do we use? Get all the information you need from our Know about Wood page.

Just imagine: it’s summertime. Sunny outside. You look down at the TV and see the video game hardware lying forgotten on the floor while your children are laughing and playing outside on your new TP Toys climbing frame. Does life get any better than this?!

Life is too short to spend indoors!

For Gardens Large or Small

We understand that all our customers have different sized gardens; whether it be large or small we have a climbing frame to suit! We also have a growable frame, designed to be suitable for children from just 18months+

Looking for a children's climbing frame for a small garden?

The TP Explorer Climbing Frame would be the perfect retreat for children to climb, hide and play! With the added facility of building the frame at low or full height, this product is suitable for toddlers and children between 18 months to 12 years! We have included the product dimensions below to help you measure up the garden!

Not only this...if you have room in the garden for MORE... add on a Crazywavy Slide and Jungle Run for even more fun! Again, both can be used at full or low height!

TP Wooden Playhouses Give Your Children The World

A superb-quality wooden playhouse from TP Toys will give your children and their friends the chance to make their own adventures and create memories that will last the rest of their lives.On one level a TP Toys playhouse is a carefully constructed blend of expert craftsmanship and high-quality timber, but we all know it’s so much more than that. It’s an enchanted castle. It’s a dragon’s lair. It’s the nerve centre of world trade for the more commercially minded of your little ones! It can even brave giant monsters on the high seas when it’s a Pirate Galleon playhouse. In short, a TP Toys playhouse is limited only by the imagination of your children.And being a TP Toys product, you can be sure of the quality that allows endless opportunities for a whole childhood of play. All of our playhouses are made from carefully rounded (so no sharp edges) Forest Stewardship Council-certified, kiln-dried European Pine or Spruce.

Our great value panel playhouses like the TP Hideaway House are easy to assemble so the fun can start sooner, they reuire treating before assembly so they can be customised to reflect your chils personality.

If you want to create a treehouse without the tree then canour two-storey Playhouses bring that to life. Or if you want to go all out take a look at our beautiful Loft House range with two storeys of make believe fun.

Can you think of a better way to not only get your children out playing in the open air, but also have them exercise their imaginations, interact with other children and learn vital social skills? If you can, we’d love to know! Playhouses from TP Toys will give them so much.

Children’s Sandpits From TP Toys: All the fun of the beach… right in your garden!

Sandpits are a fantastic way for your children to learn about the world. Just think about the word – “sandpit” (or even “sandbox”) conjures up images of thinking, of figuring things out, of being creative. Everything you want for your children, in other words.Sandpits are where your little ones can imagine and create their own adventures. Castles to be defended (or destroyed!), rivers to cross, treasure to be buried out of the hands of pirates. Five minutes playing in the three-dimensional, tactile medium of sand can show small children more about the world and the way it works than any number of hours manipulating video game joysticks. Watching television, surfing the Internet and playing video games – none of these are necessarily bad things, but won’t give young children the textural awareness and relaxation of playing outside. A child shooting aliens for two hours is tightly wound; a child lost in the imagination of a sandpit for two hours is happy and healthy.And unlike playing in mud, when they’re finished your children can simply brush it all off and come back inside. No more pounding of your washing machine!

At TP Toys we have over 50-years history of making toys that are both educational and, above all, fun and our various sandpit ranges reflect that history. Our sandpits come in many different shapes and sizes, and are made from both wood and plastic.Our wooden sandpits are made from Forest Stewardship Council-certified timber. Our selection of sandpits includes the 2008 Right Start Good Toy Award-winning Forest Picnic Table Deluxe A sandpit can be the beginning of your child’s love affair with the natural world. Get them off to the best start possible with a TP Toys sandpit… And maybe when they’re having an afternoon nap you can go out and have a play yourself!

View our range of sandpits

Wood and Steel Swing Sets from TP Toys: The Best That Money Can Buy

A TP Toys swing set is something special. Whichever model you choose, whether it’s made from wood or steel, you can look forward to years of happy memories as your children and their friends create lifelong memories of laughing and playing.

It does make you feel a bit envious, though, doesn’t it?Children today – they don’t know they’re born! They’ve got more food choices than we had, better entertainment, more pocket money – and they even get to have things like TP Toys swing sets! In our day you’d have gone to the local park to get a go on the swings, and even then you’d have to wait your turn and get pushed off after five minutes. Admit it: even now, when you’re walking past a local park and see swings, you’re tempted to have a sneaky go, aren’t you? Just to get back for all those times you were denied as a child! And now your lucky little ones get to have their own swings to use when they want? It’s just not fair.Our wooden swing sets are made of pressure-treated, Forest Stewardship Council-certified timber that we treat with a preservative to give you years of enjoyment. All the wood we use has carefully rounded edges for complete safety, and every swing set includes ground stakes to firmly anchor the set to your garden. Our metal swing sets, which also come with ground stakes as standard, are made of galvanised steel and have a lifetime guarantee against rust causing failure. The steel we use has more strength per cubic centimetre than wood, which allows us to make the swing sets with much slimmer tubes compared with wood, but with just the same performance.

With a superb range of swing accessories to suit all frames there is somethng to please everyone.

Whether wood or steel, however, there’s one thing all our swing sets have in common: our commitment to quality and safety. We never cut corners.Remember back to when you were little. What are your most vivid childhood memories? If you’re anything like us, you’ll have some pretty clear pictures in your head of going to the park and playing on the swings with your friends, trying to work out how to get them to go even higher, and being given a helping push by your laughing parents. When you buy a swing set from TP Toys you’ll be giving your own children the chance to have memories just as good – and right from your own garden.View all our swing sets and swing accessories here

TP Slides provide all the fun of the park… right in your garden.

TP we have worked tirelessly to ensure we are bringing you the very best outdoor toys, filling you with confidence that you have made the right decision to invest in our brand for your children. And that doesn’t stop at slides. We want to ensure that that our slides provide everything your child could ever have wished for. From time to time, we have altered the length, colour, design, but one thing has remained consistent… the thrill of shooting down a slide. Because after all, a slide isn’t just a slide, it’s an escape route from a dragon’s lair or a quick get away from a magical kingdom, it is the perfect way to unleash your child’s imagination and turn it into whatever they can possibly imagine.

Our most loved slide design, the TP CrazyWavy Slide, a strong, safe and extremely fun 2.2m wavy slide that will stand out in your garden. Guaranteed to provide years of play, perfect for your growing children and family. Compatible with TP climbing frames including the Explorer Climbing Frame, the Kingswood Tower, the Castlewood Tower and Knightswood swing frame with decks. Please note, when buying the TP CrazyWavy for the TP Explorer Frame do not forget to purchase the TP CrazyWavy Slide to Explorer attachment kit to enable fitting. The CrazyWavy can also be made even better (if that is possible!) by adding on the TP CrazyWavy Slide Extension, 1.2m in length this is the ideal way to both protect your lawn and your children’s clothes and the best sliding experience.

The TP Wavy Slide Body will complete your playhouse to allow for the ultimate exit from your little ones magical land. The Wavy slide provides 1.8m of sliding fun and is compatible with the Castlewood Tower, TP Forest Multiplay, TP Treetops and TP Hilltop Playhouses.

At TP we also wanted to give you the opportunity to bring the water park to you garden, making for some of the most memorable days of summer. The TP Aqua Slide will turn your garden into a water haven. This water feature is perfect for a sunny day and at 6m in length can be used with or without a slide, making you feel like you’ve got the real deal. Our Water Accessory Attachment is also a big hit, with basically everyone! Attach this to your CrazyWavy Slide, giving you that same thrill you get when the barriers open and you go shooting down the log flumes!
Picture this… it’s summer-time, the factor 50 sun cream has been rubbed in, the picnic blanket is out scattered with snacks and you are rolling out your aqua slide. What better way to make some memories!